Saturday, May 2, 2020

Balthazar Essay Research Paper Balthazars Marvelous Afternoon free essay sample

Balthazar? ? s Fantastic Afternoon Essay, Research Paper Balthazar? ? s Fantastic Afternoon ( Why didn? ? T Balthazar receive the money? ) ? ? Balthazar? ? s Fantastic Afternoon? ? , written by Gabrial Garcia Marquez, is a narrative about a birdcage and a hapless carpenter, Balthazar. In the narrative, Balthazar made a beautiful birdcage that was commissioned by Pepe, the boy of a rich adult male, Jose Montiel. However, when the carpenter took it to the male child, his male parent refused to pay and instead said to sell it other people. Although Balthazar got truly angry, he gave the coop to Pepe as a present. At the terminal of the narrative, he told townpeople that he got much money from the rich adult male and bought everyone cerebratory drinks. Then, why didn? ? T Balthazar receive the money. First, he had no purpose of money when doing beautiful coop. In the narrative, he was accustomed to doing and making coop since childhood. So when Pepe ordered a coop, he could do little coop merely rapidly instead than make large and beautiful coop for two hebdomads ; ( p 381, ll 45~50 ) . Besides, if he was interested in gaining the money, he would non even get down to work on the coop merely by committee of the small male child because he couldn? ? T be certainly whether he can acquire money or non. However, Balthazar was a creative person instead than a common carpenter. What he truly wanted as doing the coop was to do the small male child happier. Second, he felt mean and dirty about rich adult male? ? s money. In this narrative, the coop was glorious and beautiful every bit much as intelligence O f its beauty had spreaded even before he finished the coop. So even though a physician insisted on purchasing that coop, he didn? ? T sell it because he made merely for Pepe. But Pepe? ? s father treated Balthazar like a sly merchandiser but praised its beauty ; ( p 384, ll 45~50 ) . So, Balthazar thought that if he received money for the coop, it was to interchange his originative beautiful coop, in other word his pride, with dirty and average money. Finally, in the narrative, Balthazar was non a realist. Although money is non all in the life, it is really hard to populate in our existent society without money. However the chief character didn? ? T attention about money. Probably, it is because he had no complete household. Even though he had a married woman, he was populating with her without get marrieding and holding babe. That is, he felt less responsible to gain money than common married adult male. Normally, our parents want to gain the money every bit much as possible merely for their kids and household, non for themselves. Throughout their long lives and their existent socity, they have learned that money is necessary to last and that is the world that they can? ? T avoid. However, here Balthazar felt non so much responsible and maintaining his pride and doing graphics was more of import. In decision, at the terminal of the narrative, why Balthazar didn? ? t receive money was because he wanted to give him merely gift and he didn? ? T privation to sell his pride to soil money. Furthermore, in this narrative, because he didn? ? T feel responsible for doing money, he didn? ? t receive money.

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