Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Force to Dribble a Basketball - 833 Words

If you think about it, it’s almost impossible to measure the force that it takes to dribble a basketball, unless you have the right tools. Let’s just think about the basic physics that you should know. In order to dribble a basketball you need to apply enough force for the ball to go from your hand to the floor and back up to your hand. When the ball is in your hand it is holding potential energy. Potential energy is the energy that is about to be transferred into kinetic energy, which is when the energy is in use. The ball is in kinetic energy after it leaves your hand and starts to fall. So the force of gravity has to be less than the force of the bounce to keep the dribbling going. It also depends on brand; different brands have†¦show more content†¦Most guy players get more accustom to a guy’s ball so they don’t like to play with girls. There is a word that describes how bouncy the ball is, it’s called bounce-ability. Bounce-ability is affected in all aspects of the game of basketball when you shoot the ball, because if the ball is very bouncy then it will be a different force on your shot. (When you pass the ball, because when you throw a bounce pass you need to know how it will bounce to your teammate.) When you dribble, because obviously you need to know how hard it is dribble the ball if you dribble it too soft then you will make it too easy for your opponents to steal it from you, but also if you dribble it too hard than it will be too hard to control. Here are 10 tips that will help you become a better dribbler. The first step is dribble below your knees, this will allow your dribbles to be shorter and with more control. The second step is working on your flexibility, flexibility is important in dribbling because you need to be able to move with the capability of bending. The third step is using your whole body to make your moves, because if you use your whole body to dribble it will give you more power. Th e fourth step is to look up at all times, if you don’t look up at all times you may have the ball stolen from you or you might miss the opportunity to pass the ball. The fifth step is feel the ball consistently in your free time, you need to make sure that yourShow MoreRelatedRules and Regulations of Basketball Essay1276 Words   |  6 PagesTo understand the game of basketball, one should know and understand the rules and regulations of the game. They must know that they should not double dribble, push, travel with the ball, etc. They must also know whether it was a foul or not, why should you rebound, etc. Once should also learn the court lines and markings. During a game, they would have to know the mid-court line, sideline, baseline, three point line, free throw line, free throw circle, lane line, and the center circle. 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