Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Different Kind of Normal in by Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit...

In Fahrenheit 451 technology made the people less interactive with each other and the outside world. Nobody talks to each other and they all follow the rules of society. I participated in a tech fast at school. During this time I was not allowed to use technology. The tech fast was totally different than Fahrenheit 451 where they always use technology everyday of their lives. I will talk about how the characters normalcy is different than mine. I will talk about how emotionless the people are and how they lack in communication skills. In Fahrenheit 451 technology was abused by the characters in this book. The people in Fahrenheit 451 would never interact with each other.The people are always watching the TV. â€Å"Nobody listens anymore. I cant talk to the walls because theyre yelling at me. I cant talk to my wife; she listens to the walls. I just want someone to hear what I have to say. And maybe if I talk long enough, itll make sense. And I want you to teach me to understand what I read. (82). When I reads this it made me realize how lonely the characters really are. The people get married because society tells them to. No one loves each other; even if one of the wifes husband’s dies she doesnt care. The women claim that â€Å"Anyway, Pete and I always said no tears, nothing like that. Its our third marriage each and were independent. Be independent, we always said. He said, if I get killed off, you just go right ahead and dont cry, but get married again, and dont thinkShow MoreRelatedEssay about Censor ship in Fahrenheit 4511595 Words   |  7 PagesFahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury One of the main themes of the novel Fahrenheit 451 is censorship. Censorship is n: the action of a censor esp. in stopping the transmission or publication of matter considered objectionable. That is, of course, according to the guys over at Merriam-Webster. The theme of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 can be seen from several different viewpoints. Bradburys novel primarily gives an anti-censorship message. Bradbury understood censorship to be a natural projectionRead MoreRay Bradburys Farenheit 4511257 Words   |  5 Pagestoo chaotic to be controlled. In the world of Fahrenheit 451, it seems, superficially, that man has conquered fire at last; the home, man’s refuge from everything undesirable in the world, is fireproof. Why, then, are things still burning in this gilded utopia? In this futuristic society where there is no such thing as an uncontrolled fire, fire has been reduced to a mere tool to be wielded by mankind. As such, fire, in Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, is a reflection of the true nature of each characterRead MoreFahrenheit 451: The Future is Now Essay2640 Words   |  11 Pagesâ€Å"Communism and Nazism† (Gonzalez 1), a totalitarian society mirroring the world in Bradbury’s novel among othe r dystopian novels of the time. His society fits the idea of totalitarianism in the fact that it is a â€Å"form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government† (Britannica). This can be seen in Fahrenheit 451 in the way people are controlled by the television and in the way firemen dealRead MoreTheme Of Happiness In Fahrenheit 4511785 Words   |  8 Pageshappiness no matter what. However, as Ray Bradbury writes, if we focus too much on those aspects that make us happy and our eyes do not move from that, the very things that give us that comfort and happiness can be what destroys us. The main protagonist in Fahrenheit 451 is Guy Montag, and his world is the kind of world that we could live in if our pursuit of happiness is blinded and we are led astray. 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In Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451, Montag is the liberator of fire, usi ng it to burn books, to watch them catch aflame and flutter in the air until they turn into a pile of black ash. As a fireman, Montag relishes the feeling of burning books, however, when heRead MoreIntroduction : How ve He Do That?10829 Words   |  44 Pagesprovokes the reader to analyze the text in a more productive way. Once you become a more avid reader you will be privileged to make comparisons, connections, and your own conclusion from the literary work you’re reading with certain aspects of many different literary works you’ve read along the way. Not only does this bring depth into the work for your better understanding of the â€Å"big idea† but also makes it a more enjoyable read. â€Å"Whenever I read a new work, I spin the mental Rolodex looking for correspondencesRead MoreTechnology Essay11684 Words   |  47 Pagesprofessional field that is enhanced by technology is medicine. Thanks to advances in technology, many diseases that before  were the cause of massive death, now  are things of the past. With the advances in technology,  scientists  and doctors find different vaccines to help people be healthier. The medical ... Most importantly, we can see how  scientists are in the process of looking for the solution ... ... and they can infuse  this information into a lesson, making the lesson related with real life

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Education And Training Centers For Low Income Job Seekers

The purpose of this memo is to introduce my chosen final proposal research paper. This proposal will address the lack of education and training centers for low-income job seekers in Baltimore County, along with the proposed solution to the specific decision makers. This memo will also explain why the problem is importance and how the solution can help improve the overall quality of life for low-income people. Lastly, I have included a few specific references at the end of this memo. Actual Problem Although access to education seems available everywhere in the United States, access to job related training programs in low-income communities seems to not offer many programs. Most underprivileged communities continue without job related training centers or because of income disparities denied equal access to workplace education training programs. Therefore, many people cannot get jobs that pay enough to lift them out of poverty and as a result lack the specialized occupational skills sought after by employers. In 2013, a full 46 percent of Baltimore County’s adults between ages 16 and 64 were either unemployed or out of the labor force altogether. By the same token, the unemployment rate was 11.4 percent among people twenty-five and older without job related skills, compared to 5.4 percent among those with job related skills. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics) Maryland has 21,000 unemployed residents searching for work. Maryland employers have 70,000 openings they’re trying toShow MoreRelatedEmployment And Training : Strategic Plan1469 Words   |  6 Pages Broadmeadows Education, Employment and Training Strategic Plan 2016-2026 Contents Introduction Data collection and analysis 1. Profile of Broadmeadows population 2. Profile of labour market and employment 3. Profile of educational and training institutions Conclusion and issues Vision Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: Objective 4: Community engagement strategy References Introduction According to some existing research on Broadmeadows, there are evident data and reports indicatingRead MoreWhat Does Research Goes Us?1512 Words   |  7 Pagesaccommodation at $148 on average a week in the mainland (ABS, 2013-14) and provide free education to each child at $84 per day-the average an Australian pay for housing and education (ABS, 2013-14). At the same time ABS (2014) shows only 11% of recent migrants are solely dependent on government allowances while about 83% recent migrants and temporary residents report wage and salary as their main source of household income. The economic contribution of the humanitarian settlers: There is no doubt thatRead More American Needs More Government Jobs Programs Essay1452 Words   |  6 Pagesstrategies refer to employment training programs that are supported by the U.S. government over a period of time. Labor demand strategies encourage employers to hire more workers by helping them create new jobs; encourage them to hire certain workers; and punish those who discriminate against certain workers (Livermore, 2008). We will focus on policies that relate to labor supply strategies. The Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) was established in 1982, and it was a job training program administeredRead MoreMacroeconomic Policies Of National Development1117 Words   |  5 Pageswork well. Macroeconomic policy is the policy of the government in the economic field to control and maintain economic stability. Economic policies are carried out by controlling / manipulating economic variables. 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Through thorough research I have come to the conclusion that the best solution to this issue is to build a new pool located next to the already existing Pendleton Aquatic Center. Placing a new indoor pool next to the Pendleton Aquatic Center would be cost beneficial because it would already use the existing filtration system. Not only does the location benefit by allowing the facilities to use already existing equipment, but it also brings the pool closerRead MorePost Secondary Education For The United States1477 Words   |  6 PagesPost-secondary education in the United States is often viewed as a necessary step towards financial security mostly for those who take part in it. The introduction of the GI Bill in the year 1944 labeled the post-secondary education as a larger part of the American dream because it acted as a ticket towards economic security. Today, approximately 20 million students in the United States are in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, masters, or any other type of higher-level education such as certificationsRead MoreHow Career Development Is Influenced By Life Choices And Human Development2021 Words   |  9 Pageseducational training (Niles Bowlsbey, 2013). This process allows people to create a work identity. Career development is influenced by life choices and human development. There are many resources available to assist individuals in deciding a career path. For example, a resource library can be a helpful tool consist of a comprehensive directory of information about books, employment information, and research materials. Resource libraries are beneficial for career planning and the overall job searchRead MoreHeredity and Environment: Agents of Socialization Essay1437 Words   |  6 Pagessocialization and most effective. During the child’s early years of development they are vulnerable and dependant on their parents for guidance. Parental figures lay the foundation for social norms, such as learning to speak (language), body control (toilet training techniques), and proper public conduct (social control). The power of family as an agent of socialization is absolute control in the first few years and exclusive control throughout childhood up until adolescence. By law, parents have preeminentRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Refugee Movements to both Recieving and Losing Countries1994 Words   |  8 Pagespersecution based on race, religion, nationality, social group, or political opinion. The definition is sometimes expanded to include people fleeing war or other armed conflict. Asylum seekers are quite different than Refugees and they are usually defined as people who claim to be a refugee. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Role of Social Media in Education Sector

Question: Write about theRole of Social Media in Education Sector. Answer: Introduction The usage of social networks (SNs) is a creating wonder in both personal and insightful life. Social networks insinuate mechanical assemblies employed to engage customers for social affiliation. It supplements and updates teaching in standard classrooms. The ability of social media to manufacture instinct and facilitated push to benefit learning was seen early, and broad research to date has been driven in education. For example, Facebook, YouTube, blogs and wikis give a huge measure of significouldce on a broad assortment of subjects. The crucial goals of this audit are to discover the impact of social frameworks organization gadgets on the systems for learning and education commonly, to examine the rule issues that understudies stand up to while using these networks, and to choose if the customary learning procedures ought to be transformed in this time of Web 2.0 technologies (Vasilijevi? 2015). Literature Review Social Networks in Education In the couple of past years, there has been quick advancement in the obtainability and take-up by various schools and universities of demonstrating their courses to their understudies on the web, and the ampleness of learning by using differing social frameworks organization gadgets has extended as a result of the extension in game plan of these electronic courses for understudies. With the extending advancement of PC technology, the technique for classroom teaching has furthermore changed from plain delivers to multimedia presentations (Beatty 2013). The essential three best social networks in education are Facebook, Twitter and Classroom 2.0 (Tess 2013). Understudies every now and again use overall social networks (i.e., Twitter, Facebook, Classroom 2.0, YouTube and so on) for diverse commitments and around 60% of these understudies say they use social frameworks organization mechanical assemblies to converse about classes, for learning outdoor from school, and preparing for school (Masic, Sivic and Pandza 2012). Understudies similarly account that they are using text messaging, chatting, online forums and blogging, for instance, MySpace and Facebook for instructive events, counting joint exertion on school projects. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are the gadgets most exploited by the understudies since customers, and particularly understudies, interface and interchange data in viably manageable ways (Saw et al. 2013). The Positive Impact of Social Networking in Education The impact of social networking has been exemplified by the usage of three models (Hogg 2016). 'Subjective standard,' 'group standard,' and 'social identity' models have all demonstrated the effect of social networking on individuals behaviour. The influence on understudies of seeing the significouldce of social networks has altered their conduct by drawing in with their ordinary advantages and fixations. E-learning has turned into a capable gadget nowadays and makes a tough influence on its clients. It gives customized, intelligent learning and could moreover support self-motivation. This mechanical get together brought about an expansion in the interest for e-learning market that has turned out to be fundamental for a few foundations and colleges since it aids them to persist and to be effective (Alexa, Alexa and Stoica 2012). There are four fundamental social software apparatuses: 1) Collaborate information discovery, 2) Connectivity and social rapport, 3) Content feedback, and 4) Content modification and knowledge and information accumulation (Thackeray, Neiger and Keller 2012). Wilson (2013) offers four established models for expending SNs: 1) Form a gathering (by trading data), 2) Empower enthusiastic individuals (to profit by each gadget and change it to valuable data), 3) Come up with a splendid thought (to impart to others), and 4) Meet a need to make an association (through hunting down what fulfills you). Informal communication makes clients more spurred to learn, particularly in advanced education. Understudies have the openness to make an open profile to impart to various clients (Fardoun et al. 2012). It is remarkably valued for instructors to have the ability to post via web-based networking media sites about class exercises, homework coursework and even school occurrences. This aids the educators, guardians and understudies to all stay in agreement about what is proceeding at school. Sites like Facebook additionally empower instructors to effortlessly impart via private messages to guardians and understudies instead of leaving telephone messages and sit tight for a get back to (Ranieri, Manca and Fini 2012). The Negative Impact of Social Networking in Education A review by Paul, Baker and Cochran (2012) exhibits that understudies' evaluations could be influenced adversely by utilizing social networking gadgets and going by stacks of sites. Understudies could undoubtedly be abstracted from a task, and it could be wearisome for educators to tell who is focusing or not. Like this, investing more energy in Facebook seems to bring about a bringing down of understudy evaluations. In addition, a few learners are not utilizing the framework, for instance, e-learning, in appropriate ways, which has likewise brought about fail to make progress (Clark and Mayer 2016). Social networks empower individuals to post everything - various understudies who utilize Facebook for posting humiliating, disconcerting, and ruinous substance in content, photographs, and recordings which hurt others (Kwan and Skoric 2013). Understudies might abuse having the scope to access virtual networking in the classroom and utilize it for discrete uses rather than for school ass ociated tasks. On the off chance that understudies are not practically checked it would be challenging to distinguish how, if at all, that they are exploiting online networking illegitimately amidst class time (Fewkes and McCabe 2012). If understudies are commended for taking attention in class talks via virtual networking sites, this could influence their ability to associate with up close and face-to-face conditions (Friesen and Lowe 2012). A few understudies have come across virtual harassing via virtual networking sites. If virtual networking is allowable in schools, this could increment virtual harassing where understudies put together pernicious messages concentrating on harassing different understudies (Whittaker and Kowalski 2015). Benchmarking Analysis of Higher Education The higher education sector is facing increasing competition, stresses for accountability and the large amount of available information is changing the operations of higher education institution. Social media has been helping them effectively and productively enact the sustainable and substantial changes, and is integrating the desire for continual learning. Higher education and its institutions look for getting represented in the media in a modern and visually appealing way. People depend on social media for solving queries and sharing information, which the higher education institutions can use for sharing important updates. Social media helps by being prompt and professional. Higher education institutions can use it cover events and share important details. Social media is also meant to provide assurances to the users to build their confidence, which the higher education sector can use to express opinions and provide a safe and secure platform for data sharing. Conclusion This paper examined a portion of the positive and negative impressions of utilizing social networking as a strategy for getting the hang of, recommending that a high rate of understudies were influenced decidedly. Besides, Web 2.0 instruments, for instance, websites, Facebook, Twitter, and online courses, are giving understudies better learning chances to upgrade their instructive execution. Henceforth, it could be reasoned that the standard learning and showing styles should be altered in the time of Web 2.0 advancements to empower understudies to take in more. References Alexa, E.L., Alexa, M. and Stoica, C.M., 2012. The use of online marketing and social media in higher education institutions in Romania.Journal of Marketing Research Case Studies,2012, p.1. Beatty, K., 2013.Teaching researching: Computer-assisted language learning. Routledge. Clark, R.C. and Mayer, R.E., 2016.E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning. John Wiley Sons. Fardoun, H.M., Alghazzawi, D.M., Lpez, S.R., Penichet, V.M. and Gallud, J.A., 2012. Online social networks impact in secondary education. InInternational Workshop on Evidence-Based Technology Enhanced Learning(pp. 37-45). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Fewkes, A.M. and McCabe, M., 2012. Facebook: Learning tool or distraction?.Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education,28(3), pp.92-98. Friesen, N. and Lowe, S., 2012. The questionable promise of social media for education: Connective learning and the commercial imperative.Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,28(3), pp.183-194. Hogg, M.A., 2016. Social identity theory. InUnderstanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory(pp. 3-17). Springer International Publishing. Kwan, G.C.E. and Skoric, M.M., 2013. Facebook bullying: An extension of battles in school.Computers in Human Behavior,29(1), pp.16-25. Masic, I., Sivic, S. and Pandza, H., 2012. Social Networks in medical education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Materia socio-medica,24(3), p.162. Paul, J.A., Baker, H.M. and Cochran, J.D., 2012. Effect of online social networking on student academic performance.Computers in Human Behavior,28(6), pp.2117-2127. Ranieri, M., Manca, S. and Fini, A., 2012. Why (and how) do teachers engage in social networks? An exploratory study of professional use of Facebook and its implications for lifelong learning.British Journal of Educational Technology,43(5), pp.754-769. Saw, G., Abbott, W., Donaghey, J. and McDonald, C., 2013. Social media for international studentsit's not all about Facebook.Library Management,34(3), pp.156-174. Tess, P.A., 2013. The role of social media in higher education classes (real and virtual)A literature review.Computers in Human Behavior,29(5), pp.A60-A68. Thackeray, R., Neiger, B.L. and Keller, H., 2012. Integrating social media and social marketing a four-step process.Health promotion practice,13(2), pp.165-168. Vasilijevi?, D., 2015. Social networks in education.Godinjak U?iteljskog fakulteta u Vranju, (6), pp.117-126. Whittaker, E. and Kowalski, R.M., 2015. Cyberbullying via social media.Journal of School Violence,14(1), pp.11-29. Wilson, C.D., 2013. Making connections: Higher education meets social media.Change: The magazine of higher learning,45(4), pp.51-57.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rumble Fish Essays (271 words) - English-language Films, Rumble Fish

Rumble Fish Hinton Rumble Fish is the sequel to The Outsiders. The characters names are different, but it is still taken place in the same time period. In the story Rumble Fish, Rusty James is a greaser who has a lot of fights in and out of school. He meets up with the Motorcycle Boy and whenever Rusty is in a big situation or fight, the Motorcycle Boy always helps him out. Rusty isn't a great kid. He has a police record and has been suspended for possession of a knife. Bad things can happen to you if you don't have a knife in certain situations. For example, Rusty was in a fight and it was going to be fought with knives. Nobody in his group had one, so Rusty lost. Then he met the Motorcycle Boy and everything was back to normal until the big fight. Rusty got hit, stabbed, and knocked out. Usually the Motorcycle Boy would help him out, but instead he wasn't there, nowhere to be seen. Rusty was put in the hospital. The main conflict in the story is Rusty James, and his fighting all of the time. It isn't good for him or his reputation. Rusty usually wins and someone always is looking to beat him at his own game, which is fighting, Rusty's specialty! The conflict is resolved when Rusty James is in a fight against another greaser and the Motorcycle Boy isn't there to save Rusty. After all of this happens, everyone starts making fun of Rusty. The mysterious thing is that the Motorcycle Boy is never seen again. Now Rusty has no friend's what so ever! Read Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton, It's worth the read!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Long Should I Study for the SAT 6 Step Guide

How Long Should I Study for the SAT 6 Step Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In planning your SAT prep, you probably want to know how long you need to study. Is it weeks or months? Is it dozens of hours or hundreds? The answerto these questionsdepends on a variety of factors, including the scores you are hoping to get and how comfortable you already are with the test material from your general experiences in school and life. There’s no reason to torture yourself with endless SAT studying if your scores are already in the target range for your top choice schools. On the other hand, if you are still pretty far away from the scores you are looking for, you may have to work harder than you think. In this guide, I'll show you how to figure out how much you need to improve on the SAT, how many hours you need to spend to get there, and how you should build a study schedule before your next real test. Below are the six steps you need to follow to figure out your SAT study plan. #1: Figure Out Your SAT Target Score The easiest way to get a target score is to Google your top choice school and â€Å"average SAT scores†. You should find a 25th percentile score and a 75th percentile score for the school. The range between the two represents the scores of the middle 50 percent of admitted students.Aim for the 75th percentile score (e.g. a higher score than 75% of the school’s admitted students) as your target to make sure you have the best chance at being accepted! For more details about this, see our article on target scores.Remember, not everyone can or should have the same target score. It’s up to you to be realistic and assess your abilities while also challenging yourself. #2: Take a Practice SAT to Determine Your Starting Point It's important to know your abilities and weak spots before you begin studying. You can plan out your studying time based on how large of an improvement you need to make from your starting point to your target scores. Check out our guide to a set of official SAT practice tests available free online. You can also use your PSAT scores as a baseline for judging how much you will need to improve on the SAT if you've taken that test already. However, I would still recommend taking another practice test if you are in the latter half of your sophomore year and took the PSAT at the beginning of the year. (When I first took the PSAT in high school, I had no idea what was going on in the math section since I had just started my first geometry class. I was like "Shapes? Forget this!" and the proctor told me I had to stop disrupting the other students. Anyways, by the end of the year, everything was much less confusing.) Once you have your baseline scores, you can begin to see where you need to make improvements to reach your target. #3: Decide When You Will Take the Real Test We recommend taking the SAT for the first time during the fall of your Junior year(see the advice under "When Should I Take the SAT?"),but you may decide to take it earlier or later depending on your schedule and level of preparedness. In general, the early bird catches the worm (the metaphorical worm in this case being a higher SAT score).You will have more potential test dates available in the future and a better idea of where you stand if you start earlier. You will also run up against much less stress. You probably don’t want to be worrying about standardized tests while you're filling out college applications during the fall of your senior year. But what if you're in a scenario where you don't have your choice of test dates? Maybe you're planning a hot air balloon trip around the world that's happening at the same time as all the earlier dates. Maybe you'realready coming up on senior fall, and there's only one test date left. In this case, your test date is constrained, and you'll need to work hard to meet the suggested number of hours before your test. Whatever the case may be, you can still find a study plan that works for you. Sometimes you gotta miss the SAT to fulfill the dreams you and your beloved wife once shared. That's how life is. #4: Give It to Me Straight Doc, How Many Hours Do I Actually Have to Study? Based on your goals, you can figure out how many hours you will probably need to study. Follow this handy chart that shows the number of hours you should devote to poring over ancient tomes of SAT knowledge. Number of Points You Want to Improve By Approximate Hours You’ll Need to Study 0-30 Points 10 hours 30-70 Points 20 hours 70-130 Points 40 hours 130-200 Points 80 hours 200-330 Points 150+ hours This is a rough estimate, so itobviously isn't perfect. Each student has different levels of development in terms of study habits and test strategies. We'll go into more detail later about factors that might lead to score variations given the same amount of study time. But in our experience, this is roughly what it takes. If you want to improve by around 30 points, you'll be able to this with a light review, a single practice test, and retaking the official test. On the other hand,if you want to improve by 200 points or more, you'll need to make serious improvements in your understanding of fundamental content and skills.The SAT tests so much subject matterthat to improve by 200 points, you'll need to address deep content weaknesses. Tips and tricks aren't going to cut it. You also might not have this much time to devote to studying because of other commitments. That's why you should take these hourly estimates into consideration while still weighing everything on an individual basis to see what works for you. This brings us to... #5: Make a Study Plan Based on Your Time Constraints and Studying Style Ideally, you will still have at least six months or so before the test to formulate your study plan.As I've said, there is no one size fits all approach to this. You may not need to start studying six months in advance. Two months could be more than enough if you are already closer to your target score or prefer to study for longer chunks of time. Ask yourself how much of an improvement you want to make and then consider what is manageable in terms of time spent. Here are a couple of example scenarios: I Want to Improve by 70-130 Points, and I Have Many Other Commitments Try focused studying for an hour or two every week for however much time you have before the test.If you start at least a few months beforehand, you won’t be overwhelmed with yet another commitment. You'll gradually gain familiarity with questions and learn to avoid any silly mistakes that might cause you to lose points. If you can study for just two hours a week for two months, you should be able to boost your score by 100 points or so. I Want to Improve by Around 200 Points, and I Have the Summer to Study, but I’m not Sure Where to Start! Unstructured time is hard to manage, but this means you have your choice of when you are most comfortable and least distracted for studying times.If you schedule out a few hours each week where you will focus on studying, a couple months can be enough to improve your scores. The chart above recommends around 80 hours of studying for a 200 point improvement. If you have three months to study, that comes out to about five hours a week. Not so bad. If your parents invite their friends over for a barbecue, and they try to talk to you about your college plans in a desperate attempt to relate to you, you can use SAT studying as an excuse to avoid them. Everybody wins. I Want to Improve by 330 Points or More. Am I Crazy? No, you are (probably) perfectly sane!You should start studying earlier, but it’s doable if you are willing to put in some serious time and effort. Especially if your initial score is below average (typically less than 1000), you have a good chance of making a drastic improvement through studying. If you still have six months before the test, you should think about which day of the week you will be least stressed by other commitments and schoolwork and set that afternoon/evening aside for an SAT extravaganza. If you can block out fivehours a week for six months in advance of the test, you should start to see significant positive results. Also, if you happen to have the resources to hire a tutor, this is when you might consider doing so. Tutors have expertise and familiarity with the test material, so they can often help you see your weak spots when you might miss them. Since the SAT is very different from any test you might take in a regular class, it's hard to be a student who is new to the test and try to teach yourself question strategies that are alien to you. Learn from a wise mentor. #6: ConsiderFactors That Increase or Decrease Study Time You might have special circumstances that mean you need to customize your study plan more drastically. Some people should study for more or less time based on past experience and time management skills. You'll Need to Study Longer If: You've already studied a lot, and you haven't seen much improvement.This typically means you need to switch up your strategies in addition to studying more. Take a step back and look at how you have been approaching your study time so you can make productive changes. You're easily distracted.You might not get as much out of your blocks of study time if you are always being sidetracked by other things. Try scheduling out more time, and put your phone away while you're studying. It takes a while for you to learn from your mistakes.If you need to practice answering questions a few times before you understand your mistakes, you should consider studying for longer periods of time. You Might Improve in Less Time If: You are new to the SAT.If you are someone who has barely looked at the test before and just started studying, you are going to see larger score gains in a shorter amount of time. You are a super focused studier.What might take another person two hours to process will take you one, so consider dialing back your study time so you aren't overdoing it and getting test fatigue. You learn quickly from your mistakes.If you never make the same mistake twice, you also shouldn't overdo it with studying. You probably only have to get the wrong answer once before you can rely on yourself to get the right one in the future. Summary: How Long to Study for the SAT You can formulate your SAT study plan based on your goals and the statistics for your top choice schools.The key is starting early! Figure out your target score, take a few practice tests, and decide how much you need to improve.Then, assess your time constraints and be realistic about how much energy you can devote to studying. You’ve got this! What's Next? Check out our Complete Planfor when you should start studying for the SAT. This will give you a more comprehensive view of how to structure your time including what's tested, when you should take the test, and sample score goals for different levels of college selectivity. Also, take a look at our guide forhow to review missed questions on the SAT and ACT. If you can learn to effectively review missed questions, you will be a much more productive studier! Want to get a super high SAT score? Check out our perfect SAT score guide, written by a perfect scorer. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Friday, November 22, 2019

How To Say Might or May in Spanish

How To Say Might or May in Spanish Translating the English auxiliary verbs might and may to Spanish cant be done directly because Spanish doesnt have auxiliary verbs with those meanings. Instead, expressing those concepts in Spanish requires translating for meaning, and both of those auxiliary verbs, whose meanings overlap, have multiple meanings. In other words, you cant take a simple sentence such as I might leave and stick a word between yo (the pronoun for I) and salir (the verb for leave) to say what you want. In this case, you need to figure out that the sentence means something like Maybe I will leave and then translate that. When ‘May’ or ‘Might’ Suggests Possibility Often, maybe and might can be used more or less interchangeably to suggest that maybe something will happen. In these cases you can provide the meaning of maybe using words such as quizs (sometimes quiz), posiblemente, acaso, or talvez (sometimes tal vez); or phrases such as puede ser que, es posible que, or a lo mejor. The words and phrases are sometimes used with a verb in the subjunctive mood. Tal vez (yo) lea un libro. (I might read a book. I may read a book.)Posiblemente vamos a necesitar hogares temporales. (We may need temporary homes. We might need temporary homes.)Hoy posiblemente vaya a comprar mi celular. (Today I might buy my cellphone. Today I may buy my cellphone.)Acaso nieve en la segunda mitad del mes. (It might rain in the second half of the month. It may rain in the second half of the month.)Tal vez la luz sea un poco ms intensa. (The light might be a little more intense. The light may be a little more intense.)A lo mejor, resulta bien. (It may turn out fine. It might turn out fine.)Creo que es posible que Considerando lo anterior podrà ­amos concluir que la justicia es imposible. (Considering what just happened, we might as well conclude that justice is impossible.)en 10 aà ±os haya humanos en Marte. (I believe that in 10 years there may be humans on Mars. I believe that in 10 years there might be humans on Mars.)Es posible que lo leyera. (She may have re ad it. She might have read it.) Tal vez sea verdad. (It may be true. It might be true.)Es posible que se haya perdido.  (He might have got lost.) When ‘May’ Is Used for Asking Permission May (and, less commonly, might) is sometimes used to ask for approval or permission. Common ways of asking for permission are to use poder or permitir, although other ways are possible. Podrà ­a asistir a la escuela? Puedo asistir a la escuela? (May I attend the school?) ¿Me permites ver a tus padres hoy? (May I see your parents today?) ¿Podrà ­a beber una cerveza?  ¿Puedo beber una cerveza? (May I drink a beer?)Se prohibe fumar aquà ­. (You may not smoke here.)Pidià ³ permiso para comer. (He asked if he might eat.) You can translate might similarly when it is being used to offer a suggestion: Podrà ­as tomar una pastilla de dormir. (You might take a sleeping pill.Podrà ­as pensar en una mejor opcià ³n. (You might think of a better option.)Podrà ­amos caminar a la playa. (We might walk to the beach. Note that the English sentence standing alone is ambiguous. If the person is using might to suggest possibility, a different translation would be used.) Translating ‘May’ in Wishes Sentences beginning with may to express desires or wishes can be translated by starting a sentence with que and using the subjunctive mood.  ¡Que Dios te bendiga! (May God bless you!) Que todo el mundo vaya a votar. (May everyone go to vote.) Que encuentres felicidad en todo lo que hagas. (May you find happiness in everything you do.) Translating ‘Might As Well’ Theres no single translation that always works for might as well or the less common may as well. Check the context to see what nuance of meaning might work best. Me convendrà ­a estudiar. (I might as well study. Literally, it would suit me fine to study.)Serà ­a mejor si vinieras conmigo. (You might as well come with me. Literally, it would be better if you came with me.)Considerando lo anterior podrà ­amos concluir que la justicia es imposible. (Considering what just happened, we might as well conclude that justice is impossible. Literally, considering the previous, we could conclude that justice is impossible.) Key Takeaways Spanish does not have any auxiliary verbs that are the equivalent of may or might.When may or might suggest possibility, you can translate using words or phrases that mean maybe.Verbs of permission can be used for translating may or might when they are being used for seeking approval.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The aviation sector plays a key role in the tourism industry. In the Essay

The aviation sector plays a key role in the tourism industry. In the light of low cost carriers they have opened up many new to - Essay Example Conclusion 7 References 7 Appendix 9 1. Introduction Airline carriers have a key role in the development of tourism worldwide; their contribution to the development of destinations is related primarily to the increase of profits of local businesses; however, the development of a place as a cultural destination could be also achieved through the airline carriers – without which the visiting of the above place would be extremely difficult. Indeed, airline carriers have offered the chance to travellers to be informed on the existence of places, which are distinctive in terms of their commercial or cultural tradition. In practice, it has been proved that airline carriers are also benefited by destinations; these benefits can be either direct, i.e. increase of profits, or indirect, i.e. increase of popularity/ awareness of brand name. In other words, a two-way relationship seems to exist between the airline carriers and the tourism industry (as a key part of the economy of destinat ions); however, in certain cases, the terms of their cooperation are not clear or equal. The power of airline carriers to choose their destination has led to the development of an unfair competition among destinations; this problem has been effectively faced through the low cost airlines, even if these carriers also can harm destinations – mostly through their practice to ask for low airport fares, in the context described below. 2. Airline carriers and new destinations 2.1 Airline carriers – role in the success or failure of tourist destinations Airline carriers offer the chance to their customers to visit destinations that may not be quite known to the public, i.e. destinations which are not developed as tourism destinations. From this point of view, airline carriers can contribute to the growth of a place as a tourism destination, a fact that would also lead to the gradual increase of the number of passengers of local airports. Particular emphasis should be given on low cost carriers which can significantly affect the development of tourism destinations, a fact highlighted in the study of Fageda et al. (2009); after analysing a series of Spanish routes, the above researchers came to the conclusion that ‘low-cost carriers have a moderate but still significant effect on prices and increase alternatives even in low-density routes’ (Fageda et al. 2009, p. 36). Moreover, in accordance with an article published in the Wall Street Journal (2010), the development of low cost carriers can increase the number of passengers, a fact that would lead to the increase of profits in destinations; in the above article, reference is made to the case of India and the significant increase in the number of passengers since the entrance in the market of the low cost airline carriers – it is noted that due to these carriers ‘the number of annual fliers was doubled, reaching the 44.5 million in 2009 from 22.3 million in 2005’ (The Wall Street Journal 2010). It should be also noted that low cost carriers help to resolve the following problem: there are routes and destinations which are abandoned by large carriers, as being considered non-profitable, as the level of profit is set in large carriers; through the low cost carriers, passengers are given the chance to have access to these destinations, in a low fare (Business Traveller 2009). If such chance would not be given by low cost carriers,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

German and French Fascism between 1870 and 1939 Essay

German and French Fascism between 1870 and 1939 - Essay Example German and French Fascism between 1870 and 1939 Social unrest between the opposed classes increase and terminates a social revolution. Marx despised ethical dissertation and constantly opposed moralistic involvements in the political and social issues. Marxism proclaimed that Communists did not preach morality at all. Marx did not show any interest in discussions on how people ought to act in a morally defensible way. He argued that capitalism had destroyed morality and turned it into a real lie. Attempts to develop socialistic ideas on moral precepts were considered as being distractions from the significance of confronting the fundamental causes of social misery in the course of material production. Marx opposed the commodification of labor and held that it rendered the worker economical and political powerless. Marxism on the other hand is based on a philosophical viewpoint called dialectical materialism. This precept holds that the history of humans is the story of class warfare. The society in this case is seen to struggle through different development stages. At each stage of development, the proletariat gains some more freedom that brings them closer to their goal of proletarian revolution. According to the maxims, there is no principle that supports the history of the materialistic, there is no God.The believe that religion is false is hereby considered to be a bourgeoisie tool which attempts to prevent the communist revolution. In the German revolution, the ruling class opposed the precepts of maxims. The struggle of the people to move to a state of freedom is considered to have been a real struggle. However, Marx still pushed on with his ideologies for the establishment of a revolutionized community. Trotsky who addressed the Germany communist Party to stop Fascism seconds the analys is. His aim was that they break not the Comintern itself but the Comintern policy5. Germany revolution ends, due in large part to some democratic parties6. Some of the parties during this revolution belonged to the old second international. Prior to the war, the social democratic party had never held power but only remained in the opposition and therefore supported the war. The statement executes Karl Rosa Luxemburg. In January 1923, the French administrations send troops to occupy the Ruhr. Unrests soar while the working class takeoffs massive strikes and wiping out the savings of the middle class. Some parties labeled themselves ‘Marxist’ while forty-five percent of the total voters supported them. Some ultra-rights movements grew and emphasized on the Marxism ideology of unity of the international working class. Hitler was very hostile to this ideology of Marxism due to its emphasis on the unity of the global working class instead of on racial solidarity7. The plan t o defend Belgium was aimed at making a stand at a line of forts between the league and the Antwerp cities. The British armies found them under attack on May 13 since they had been unaware that the Germany paratrooper units had already captured their forts. The offensive of Germany to the south unexpectedly emerged from Ardennes forests at the second time. During the following few days, the main allied armies were trapped between the German forces and were therefore unable to protect either Paris or stop the Germans from entering to the English channel8. The German troops to the south went on between the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Stages In The Decision Process Buyer Essay Example for Free

Stages In The Decision Process Buyer Essay There are two stimuli that can trigger needs, namely: a. Internal stimuli, when one persons normal needs-hunger, thirst, sex-occur at high enough levels. b. External Rangasangan. For example, an advertisement or a discussion with a friend can make you think of buying a new car. At this stage, marketers should research consumers to find what kind of needs or problems that arise, what causes it, and how the problem could steer consumers in this particular product. Look more:  the consumer buying process begins when essay 2 Sources of information Where consumers want to find more information, consumers may simply enlarge or actively searching information. As more and more information is acquired, consumer awareness and knowledge of the brand and the features available to increase. A company must design its marketing mix to make consumers aware of and know the brand. Companies must identify the source of consumer information and importance of each source carefully. 3. Evaluation of alternatives How consumers process information to arrive at brand choices. How do consumers evaluate alternatives depend on the personal consumer and situation specific purchase. In some cases, consumers use careful kalkusai adn logical thinking. At other times, the same consumers do evalusai Ganya little or even not evacuate; instead they buy on impulse and rely on intuition. Kadan-sometimes komsumen make their own purchasing decisions; sometimes they ask for advice from friends purchase, consumers guides, or salespeople. Marketers should study buyers to menmukan in how they actually  evaluate brand choice. If they know what is going evaluasia process, marketers can take steps to influence the buyers decision. 4. purchase decision Consumer purchase decisions is to buy the most preferred brand, but two factors could be between the purchase intention and the purchase decision. The first factor is the attitudes of others. If someone has significance for you to think that you should buy the cheapest car, then the chances of you to buy the most expensive car is reduced. The second factor is unexpected situational factors. Consumers may form a purchase intention based on factors such as income, prices, and the expected benefits of the product. However, unexpected events can change the purchase intention. 5. post-purchase Behavior After purchasing the product, the consumer will be satisfied not satisfied and look in the post-purchase behavior that must be considered by marketers. Which determine the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the buyer to a purchase lies in the relationship between consumer expectations and product performance assumptions. Why is customer satisfaction so important? customer satisfaction is the key to building a profitable relationship with the consumer-to maintain and grow the customer and collect customer lifetime value.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Great Gatsby 2 :: essays papers

Great Gatsby 2 F. Scott Fitzgerald is an author who is distinguished for his use of symbolism in his literature, like in the novel The Great Gatsby. He uses the image of Doctor T. J. Eckelburg's eyes to symbolize a godlike being. Fitzgerald uses the symbol of the two women in yellow at Gatsby's party to represent the values of the 1920's. The food provided at Gatsby's party symbolically represents the members of 1920's society. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses Symbolism in the novel The Great Gatsby as an accurate reflection of life in the American 1920's. In The Great Gatsby the symbol of T. J. Eckelburg's eyes represent a godly being watching over society. Fitzgerald incorporates the eyes into his novel to represent a pair of all seeing, all knowing and judging eyes, which are meant to intimidate. The character of George Wilson believes that the eyes are the eyes of God. "I spoke to her," he muttered, after a long silence. "I told her she might fool me but she couldn't fool God. I took her to the window- " With an effort he got up and walked to the rear window and leaned his face pressed against it, "-and I said 'God knows what you've been doing, everything you've been doing. You may fool me but you can't fool God!' " Standing behind him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged pale and enormous from the dissolving night. "God sees everything," repeated Wilson. (p.167) Through Wilson's beliefs Fitzgerald explains that the eyes can see everything including Myrtle's infidelities. Myrtle is a typical person of the 1920's. She has put her own life and interests ahead of everyone else's including her husband's. The eyes of God are frowning down on the 1920's society. But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak dust which drift endlessly over it, you perceive, after a moment, the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic-their retinas are one yard high. The look out of no face but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-existent nose...his eyes, dimmed a little by many painless days under sun and rain, brood on over the solemn dumping ground.(p.27-28) Through Fitzgerald's wording in describing the image of Eckleburg's eyes the reader develops a mental image of an omnipotent being who is constantly watching over the land. The reader discerns that the eyes not only see everything but that they eyes are morbidly unhappy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Literature ans society Essay

The literature of an age, and its social set up keeping and reacting one over the other. Literature influences the society; society is reflected in Literature and in this way, in all languages and at all times there has been a close interaction between the two. Literature of any age cannot escape the influence of the social scene and therefore is found reflecting the society of the age when it is created. The poet, the dramatist, the novelist, the essayist are all the product of their age and their-age openly and clearly gets imaged in their compositions. That cannot be helped, it so seems. Take  the example of two literatures — English and Hindi. Chaucer is called the father of English poetry and actually English literature in its form and language which kept on developing and improving, begins from him. His most representative work is the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales and then the Canterbury Tales. All the characters painted in these tales are the true representation of the types of such people as they were in his times. While Chaucer is a reflector of those characters and their types of his age — he is virtually and truly described as the chronicler of his age — his characters whether a  Knight; the Prioress; the monk, the fat fryer, the sailor, the squire, the priest — all are truly the representatives of their types in the contemporary society as they actually were. Chaucer is a painter as well as a critic of his society. Shakespeare — the greatest dramatist of English language — one of the greatest of all languages brings in ‘ghosts’, ‘witches’, and ‘courtier’ and ‘fools’ in his plays which were as per the liking of his audience and a part of the English Society of his times. That is what is rightly said about Shakespeare that in addition to the normal three ‘unities’—  Time, Place and Action in drama, he brought about the fourth unity — ‘unity with the people’. That encomium clearly Shakespeare being influenced by the society of his age and in his plays he, though never gave any message or pronounced any philosophy, but that is always there — the triumph of the good over the evil. This was the message that was most needed to his age after all that had happened earlier — Henry VIII —the king having been killed, Mary Tudor — a despotic, arrogant, a cruel ruler and then a benevolent, all embracing middle-path follower queen — Queen Elizabeth. As is the king so are the people — is an old but true saying and Shakespeare reflects that hilarious sometimes, but somber and philosophic at the other in his plays. Hulton was very much the product of his age. A truly puritanical person; a deeply religious man, he gave to his age which was battling with belief and disbelief — the message of God’s triumph over Satan. The Eighteenth century of English literature is a true product of the age. The social scene had degenerated into debauchery and license after the Restoration of Charles II who brought along with him all that he had enjoyed during his exile and adjourns in France and the literature of that period reflects all that was happening in the society. Alexander Pope’s ‘Rape of the Lock’ is a reflection of the so-called lascivious high society of and pungent satire too, on all that was too much too bad for the society. Thus Pope is a reflector as a corrector of his age. So are Addison and Steele as essayists. Balzac, Zola, Maupassant of France had cast their influence on every Wycherley, conserve and later Restoration dramatists who had gone to the lowest depth in describing social disparity and this is how literature reflected the age. The French Revolution — a very significant political and social event of Europe had as its basic tenets — Equality, Fraternity and Liberty — and these tenets and the revolution did cast its spell all over Europe and England and the English poets could not escape that influence. Wordsworth was moved by the humanitarian aspect of the revolution in the earlier phase but later its bloodiness and violence disillusioned him and all this is reflected in Wordsworth’s poetry — ‘poet of man’ and in his later poetry. Shelley was moved by the revolution’s ‘spirit’ of revolution and Byron by its fighting spirit. Tennyson was a true representative of the Victorian age and sang of the glories of the Empire while his nature poetry gets influenced by the advancement of Science in the later nineteenth century. He did not remain a ‘priest of nature’ as Wordsworth was because where science advances religion declines. Charles Dickens saw the backside of industrialization — the poor getting Poorer and the rich richer — the sufferings of the poor are ignored and his novels reflect all this. The First World War (1914-19) created a group of who sang of the glories of war, of chivalry and  Sacrifice for the nation and then there is the post w poetry and post-war drama — Bernard Shaw dramatist known for his pungent satire, pricking the balloon of romanticism associated with war heroism and love in his ‘Arms and the Man’. Eliot comes on the literary stage to deal with the utter disillusionment of the age in his ‘Wasteland’ all this about English Literature. Similarly in Hindi Literature, when Prithvi Raj Chauhan was fighting valiantly with Mohammad Gori Chandrabardai — the warrior poet was singing of the glories of war and his hero in his ‘Prithvi Raj Raso’. Then came the Bhakti Kal — the period of Bhakti — the country and the nation had fallen under the Muslim yoke and there were class conflicts on the basis of faith and religion. There came on the literary scene, Kabir, who preached anti-fanaticism; pricked the bloated balloon of superstitions and blind faiths and admonished both ‘mullahs’ and ‘Pandits’ and showed the way of God. Tulsidas found the Hindu society divided into factions ‘Shaivas’ and ‘Vaishnavas’ and showed the path of love, brotherhood and mutual respect for all Gods and presented the ideals of a son, a brother, a wife, and a devotee. The triumph of Ram — the incarnation of the Good over Ravan, the symbol of Evil is an eternal lesson given by him to the society — whose lessons remain revered even till today. The period of comparative social peace created a set of poets who indulged in pleasing their patrons — the Kings — as their courtiers and songsters. Their poetry is full of amorous sports in which they make Krishna a Radha and the Gopis their actors — a very wrong a vitiated depiction — unbecoming of those great. This was done just to gratify their patrons — the sensuous and sensual kings. This is how the social scene was reflecting itself in literature. Then, comes the modern age. The British were ruling India and there were classes close to the ruler and classes suffering at the hands of the officials and at the hands of the so-called elite of the society. There were classes created — the superior, the downtrodden — the imperialists and the nationalists. Prem Chand — the great novelist unravels this class fight in his novels and thereby, not only reflects the society of his times but gives a lesson too. His novels, his short stories — all have a lesson to give. There was Bhartendu Harishchandra — the poet the harbinger of the modern age and thought, who successfully caricatured the classes — social and religious — thus reflecting the social scene with a point to reform it. Thus goes on the scene. Maithili Saran Gupta — the Gandhian poet sings of the glory of Ram, of the glory of Lord Buddha, of the glory of other mythological heroes his thrust throughout being to awaken the masses and enlighten them into cordial social contacts. The national fervor reverberated through the veins of the Psyche under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and poets  after poets, writers after writers sang of the of our ancient land and its culture. Jai Sanker rasad, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, the poets; Dharmvir Shrilal Shukla — the novelists brought into focus the inequalities and imbalances that plagued the social scene and through their thoughtful and sometimes highly satirical way brought to the fore the social and political malaise through which our present generation passing. This true presentation has been with a purpose — to awaken the social conscience to the problems that dog the people. Literature thus has been holding the mirror up to Nature on one hand; reflecting all traditions,  trends and tendencies while rising up the finger of caution too to guard against all that goes against the basic values of life. Literature and Society have remained and shall remain ever intertwined and the more they so remain, the more solid would the foundations be laid for a sustained growth; a well-coordinated growth and a corrected social order Literature has to play its part as a reflector and a corrector of society and society has to inspire men of letters to keep themselves on their guard towards their mission of social good.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Wildest Experience of My Life

So my last weekend before being deployed has finally arrived. I wanted to do something exciting, extreme – something I never would have imagined doing before – something that would take a lot of heart to do. Maybe even could be called a little crazy as others told me. Skydiving was something I had never done and certainly had never thought of doing until now. After doing some research online, I found a place only an hour away from home in Lumberton, Mississippi. In a way I was hoping there wouldn’t be a place local so that could have been my excuse not to do it. Once I started thinking about actually jumping out of a plane, I started to get nervous and have mixed feelings. Then I realized it can’t be any scarier than what I may encounter overseas; maybe it could even help me deal with some things while there. So after much debating and thought along with unsuccessfully trying to convince a few friends to join me, I booked my trip to jump. My trip was booked for Sunday, two days away! I still had a slight hope that one of my friends might change his mind, which didn’t happen. I already had mixed feeling about my â€Å"jump,† and I must admit the more I thought about actually doing it, the more nervous I became. I began feeling jittery, and for the first time I was more nervous about skydiving than I was about being deployed. And still for some reason I wanted to do this, almost felt like I had to. The morning of my jump arrived, and I was instructed to arrive one hour prior to my scheduled time. This means I had to be there at 10 a. m. , and that didn’t leave me with much time to chicken out. The morning of, I began to do my usual morning routine, which consists of jogging and a simple shake for breakfast. I managed to go jogging, but once I returned home I couldn’t even start to drink my shake. So with all the excitement I decided to call my girlfriend at the time. In some way I was hoping to get a little motivation and encouragement out of her. When she picked up the phone the first thing she said was, â€Å"You ready to jump? † Then she laughed at me when I told her I was nervous, which in a way made me feel a little better. Shortly after our phone conversation began I noticed the time and realized I had to start getting ready. I knew if I didn’t get showered, dressed, and get out of the house; I would never make it on time. It crossed my mind that running late would be a better reason not to jump than chickening out and just not doing it. Shortly after that crossed my mind, I decided that was not an option. I was going to do this jump no matter what. So I began my hour and fifteen minute drive. During the ride my hands and feet started sweating while I was constantly trying to concentrate on other things, but always found myself thinking about jumping out of the plane. Then I started to think about all the bad things that could go wrong. Before I realized it I was reading the sign â€Å"Gold Coast Skydivers. I was here, no turning back now. So I pulled in looking for a space to park. I became amazed and couldn’t believe how many people were here. The place was so crowded I had to park in the grass. I finally found a spot and put my truck in park, turned off the ignition, and as I stepped out I could see people who had already jumped. Seeing people landing with open parachutes somewhat gave me a certain calmness to my feelings. When I walked into the office there were people in there laughing and discussing how much fun they had during their jump. No one seemed at all nervous or shaken up as I was expecting. After I filled out all the paper work and signed all the release forms, I was told to wait for my instructor, so he could go over all the information I needed to know. Not long after I was brought into a garage like area with several other first time jumpers they started to go over everything we needed to know. They were constantly reminding us we were jumping at 14,500 feet and would be free falling for approximately 10 seconds before they pulled a smaller parachute, which would slow us down to 120 mph on the free fall. Then we would continue falling for another 60 seconds before the main parachute was pulled. All of the first timers were constantly reminded to make sure we listened to our instructor who would be jumping with us. I would be jumping tandem, which is a requirement for first time jumpers. A tandem jump is when you are attached to the front of someone, our instructor in this case. They will be the ones responsible for pulling the parachute. To me, this meant I would able to sit back and enjoy the ride without worry. Before I was knew it I was being dressed in a blue jumpsuit and stepping into my harness. I was then introduced to my instructor, handed a pair of goggles and told to head towards to the plane. I was walking downhill looking towards the plane and for the first time actually becoming excited about what I was about to experience. My tandem instructor boarded the plane first, and I went right behind him. The plane was narrow with two long benches allowing us to line up with our instructors. When I got seated I started to look at the others who were boarding the plane. My instructor asked me, â€Å"Do you know what it means to be the last one on the plane? † My reply was simple and a fast â€Å"No! † He then laughed and responded, â€Å"You’ll be the first one out! † I found that amusing because I did know that I was the first one on, which means I would be the last one out. Once we got seated my instructor started strapping me in and started going over what I needed to do during the jump. He told me to keep my legs tucked under him, keep my head to the left, and keep my hands on my harness until I was told otherwise. He then told me that after about ten seconds he would tap me twice on my shoulder. This meant I could release my hands from the harness. He proceeded to tell me when and how he would start doing spins and others stunts. I was told to give a thumbs up if I wanted more or to close my fist if I wanted to stop. It seemed like no time had passed by, and we were in air on our way. My instructor had a band on his wrist that showed him how many feet we were at. Before I realized it we were at 13,000 feet and everyone was told to put on their goggles and get ready. This is when I began asking myself what in the hell did I get myself into? Soon as I could blink my eyes the first jumper was out the plane, then the next, and the next! Now I was being scooted forward down the aisle. Once I arrived at the end of the bench I was instructed to crawl to the edge of the door. This means I was looking out of an open door into the blue skies. I had no time to think as we leaned forward, backwards, and then out we went. As soon as it started I wasn’t nervous anymore! I was enjoying the feeling of free falling through the sky with nothing but the air underneath me. Before long I felt the two taps that I had been waiting for, and I released my arms from the harness. Now we were spinning freely in the air and I loved every second of it. I never closed my fist. From what I can remember I believe I kept both thumbs up the entire time. Before I knew it the parachute had been pulled, and I was being jerked upward. This is when I heard my instructor say, â€Å"We got ourselves a parachute! † I was then told to position my harness lower on my thighs, so I could be in a sitting position. This turned out to be more comfortable to me. As we were gliding downward towards the landing zone, I began looking around and realized that this was one of the most peaceful experiences of my life. My instructor made it feel natural as he effortlessly guided us right towards the landing circle with ease. As we were getting close I could see the others who had already landed and were watching me as we started our decent. Next thing I heard was â€Å"feet up† and we were landing gently on the ground. For some reason I expected the landing to be more difficult and rough, but it wasn’t. I was now safe and on the ground being unhooked from my instructor. At this time I could say that I had jumped out of a plane and enjoyed every second of it. Back in the office I changed out my suit and talked to the other first time jumpers for a little while. I then took the opportunity to take pictures with my instructor and get the information I needed to learn how to skydive on my own. I then said my goodbyes and headed home. I was proud of myself for what had just got accomplished and the fear I had overcome. This was truly a mind blowing, breath taking, stomach turning, and nerve racking experience. As soon as it was over a part of me was ready to jump again.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pigment Definition and Chemistry

Pigment Definition and Chemistry A pigment is a substance that appears a certain color because it selectively absorbs wavelength of light. While many materials possess this property, pigments with practical applications are stable at normal temperatures and have a high tinting strength so only a small amount is needed to see the color when its used on objects or mixed with a carrier. Both pigments and dyes absorb light to appear a certain color. In contrast, luminescence is a process by which a material emits light. examples of luminescence include phosphorescence, fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence. Pigments that either fade or else blacken over time or with extended exposure to light are called fugitive pigments. The earliest pigments came from natural sources, such as charcoal and ground minerals. Paleolithic and Neolithic cave paintings indicate carbon black, red ochre (iron oxide, Fe2O3), and yellow ochre (hydrated iron oxide, Fe2O3 ·H2O) were known to prehistoric man. Synthetic pigments came into use as early as the 2000 BCE. White lead was made by mixing lead and vinegar in the presence of carbon dioxide. Egyptian blue (calcium copper silicate) came from glass colored using malachite or another copper ore. As more and more pigments were developed, it became impossible to keep track of their composition. In the 20th century, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed standards for characteristics and testing of pigments. The Colour Index International (CII) is a published standard index that identifies each pigment according to its chemical composition. Over 27,000 pigments are indexed in the CII schema. Pigment Versus Dye A pigment is a substance that is either dry or else insoluble in its liquid carrier. A pigment in liquid forms a suspension. In contrast, a dye is either a liquid colorant or else dissolves in a liquid to form a solution. Sometimes a soluble dye may be precipitated into a metal salt pigment. A pigment made from a dye in this manner is called a lake pigment (e.g., aluminum lake, indigo lake). Pigment Definition in the Life Sciences In biology, the term pigment is defined somewhat differently, where a pigment refers to any colored molecule found in a cell, regardless of whether or not it is soluble. So, although hemoglobin, chlorophyll, melanin, and bilirubin (as examples) dont fit the narrow definition of pigment in science, they are biological pigments. In animal and plant cells, structural color also occurs. An example may be seen in butterfly wings or peacock feathers. Pigments are the same color no matter how they are viewed, while structural color depends on the viewing angle. While pigments are colored by selective absorption, structural color results from selective reflection. How Pigments Work Pigments selectively absorb wavelengths of light. When white light strikes a pigment molecule, there are different processes that can lead to absorption. Conjugated systems of double bonds  absorb light in some organic pigments. Inorganic pigments may absorb light by electron transfer. For example, vermilion absorbs light, transferring an electron from the sulfur anion (S2-) to a metal cation (Hg2). The charge-transfer complexes remove most colors of white light, reflecting or scattering back the remainder to appear as a certain color. Pigments absorb or subtract wavelengths and do not add to them like luminescent materials do. The spectrum of the incident light affects the appearance of a pigment. So, for example, a pigment wont appear quite the same color under sunlight as it would under fluorescent lighting because a different range of wavelengths are left to be reflected or scattered. When the color of a pigment is represented, the lab light color used to take the measurement must be stated. Usually this is 6500 K (D65), which corresponds to the color temperature of sunlight. The hue, saturation, and other properties of a pigment depend on other compounds that accompany it in products, such as binders or fillers. For example, if you purchase a color of paint, it will appear different depending on the formulation of the mixture. A pigment will look different depending on whether its final surface is glossy, matte, etc. The toxicity and stability of a pigment are also affected by other chemicals in a pigment suspension. This is of concern for tattoo inks and their carriers, among other applications. Many pigments are highly toxic in their own right (e.g., lead white, chrome green, molybdate orange, antimony white). List of Important Pigments Pigments may be classified according to whether they are organic or inorganic. Inorganic pigments may or may not be metal-based. Here is a list of some key pigments: Metallic Pigments cadmium pigments -  cadmium red, cadmium yellow, cadmium orange, cadmium green, cadmium sulfoselenidechromium pigments -  chrome yellow, viridian (chrome green)cobalt pigments -  cobalt blue, cobalt violet, cerulean blue,  aureolin  (cobalt yellow)copper pigments -  azurite, Egyptian blue, malachite, Paris green, Han purple, Han blue,  verigris, phthalocyanine green G, phthalocyanine blue BNiron oxide pigments -  red ochre, Venetian red, Prussian blue, sanguine, caput mortuum, oxide redlead pigments -  red lead, lead white,  cremnitz  white, Naples yellow, lead-tin yellowmanganese pigment -  manganese violetmercury pigment -  vermilliontitanium pigments -  titanium white, titanium black, titanium yellow, titanium beigezinc pigments -  zinc white, zinc ferrite Other Inorganic Pigments carbon pigments -  carbon black, ivory blackclay  earths  (iron oxides)ultramarine pigments (lapis lazuli) -  ultramarine, ultramarine green Organic Pigments biological pigments -  alizarin, alizarin crimson, gamboge, cochineal red, rose madder, indigo, Indian yellow, Tyrian purplenonbiological organic pigments -  quinacridone, magenta,  diarylide  yellow, phthalo blue, phthalo green, red 170

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Writing First Drafts for Law School Essays

Writing First Drafts for Law School Essays In previous posts of this blog, we have discussed the importance of creating both a work calendar to suit your admissions essay writing schedule as well as an outline for your composition. Now, I would like to move on to what I believe is the next crucial phase of this writing process: the first draft. Whether you are writing undergraduate essays or Law school essays, you must write a first draft. Writing the first draft of your school essay should not be a difficult task. Since it is only a draft, you should not be concerned with the number of errors and/or grammatical mistakes in this version of your composition. Instead, feel free to write your first draft without any editing whatsoever. Write whatever comes to mind and then fix it later. I like to think of a first draft as an exercise in free association. Lets say, for instance, that your focus is on law school essays. Like any other admissions composition, law school essays must be compelling and carefully written. That is why a first draft is so important! When you are writing the first draft of your law school essay, dont worry about organization and/or structure. Instead, just get all of your thoughts and points of view out on paper. Then, once that is done, you can take all the time you need to go back, systematize your arguments, fix any grammatical errors, and work towards the completion of a perfect law school essay. Attempting to write a perfect law school essay (or any other type of admissions composition) in one draft is like trying to pencil sketch an intricate image without an eraser. It simply isnt a good idea! The more drafts you write, the more mistakes you can make. . .and later correct. So if you are writing an admissions essay, do yourself a favor and create as many drafts as possible. Trust me when I tell you that you wont regret it! In the meanwhile, if you would like additional information on law school essays and/or law school personal statements, then I encourage you to read on!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Project Controls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Controls - Essay Example This paper will therefore discuss issues on the changes likely to occur, quality evaluation, change control and appropriate communication of performance objectives. There are various changes that have not been planned for that may affect the project if not well catered for before project execution. These changes may be as a result of various problems that may occur during project implementation. They are mainly logistical as well as technical or operational problems. This paper has, however, identified three major problems that may create need for changes in planed process flows. First, the acquisition of the server’s license meant for the San Jose facility may be faced by delay if the legal provisions are changed to include more requirements and say additional application fees. Secondly, since the acquisition of the servers and modules for the various upgrade components may depend on the global and local supply changes, delivery may be affected through extended lead times. Lastly, there is likelihood, even though to minimal levels, of compatibility problems with the existing hardware at the facilities where upgrades will be conducted and hence creating further delays or even project overhaul. The intended project has set a higher quality assurance measures that will ensure that its implementation will be a success in terms of costs and performance. With the work breakdown structure in place, every implementation stage will ensure that the best techniques of installation and the best available and relevant software and hardware components are utilized. Having looked at the various changes that may come up during project execution, this paper proposes a three step for change control. The first phase will involve the evaluation of how the change is likely to affect the project. Secondly, the project implementation team will draw a timeline of tackling

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dick Hebdige argues that subcultural style should be regarded as a Essay

Dick Hebdige argues that subcultural style should be regarded as a semiotic form of resistance against authority - Essay Example Culture is an indispensable part of social life. From this point of view, culture is also necessarily related to politics even if the particular relationship is not standardized, in terms of its forms. Hebdige has thoroughly explored the potential relationship between culture and politics. In his book ‘Subculture: the Meaning of Style’, first published in 1979, Hebdige uses examples from cultural trends developed in Britain during 1970s (Blake 1998, p.97). Emphasis is given to the cultural trends, especially in terms of music and dress, of youths in different subcultures (Blake 1998, p.97). The research on this subject has led Hebdige to the assumption that social relations can be influenced by the cultural background of the parties; for politics, a similar view could be developed (Blake 1998, p.97). The view of Hebdige that subcultural style should be regarded as a semiotic form of resistance against authority is evaluated in this paper. Reference is primarily made, pri marily, to the concept of subculture, as described in the study of Hebdige. Then, two examples are employed for showing the value of the views of Hebdige if they are used in practice. It is proved that, indeed, subcultural style can be used as a form of resistance against authority. Still, the implications of such use are rather difficult to be identified. Neither can it be said that a particular subcultural style has been found to be effective in supporting a strong resistance against authority. 2. Hebdige and subcultural style as a semiotic form of resistance against authority 2.1 Key points of Hebdige’s view in regard to subcultural style For Hebdige, subcultures are related to two key terms: ‘conjuncture and specificity’ (During 1999, p.441). More specifically, Hebdige promotes the idea that subcultures are not limited to a particular aspect of life or to a particular area (During 1999, p.441). Rather, subcultures can be identified ‘almost everywhereâ⠂¬â„¢ (During 1999, p.441) being influenced though by specific conjunctures (During 1999, p.441). The term ‘conjunctures’ (During 1999, p.441) in the above use reflects not just the cultural and social trends developed in a particular region but also the political and economic conditions of the region (During 1999, p.441). It is in this framework that subcultures are created and developed (During 1999, p.441). At the next level, these subcultures change as they are adopted by people in different social classes and of different age (During 1999, p.441). Through the above transformation process a high range of styles appears (During 1999, p.441). It should be noted that the notion of subculture as developed by Hebdige is based on the continuous opposition with the system, leading to a phenomenon described as ‘resistance through style’ (Muggleton and Weinzierl 2004, p.86). The particular type of subculture has been characterized as heroic, indicating a strong willingness for fighting the system, including politics (Muggleton and Weinzierl 2004, p.86). However, today subculture has been slightly transformed; a transmission to ‘a post-heroic phase’ (Muggleton and Weinzierl 2004, p.86) has been unavoidable since the willingness of people to fight the system has been gradually reduced. On the other hand, the value of subculture for evaluating the social trends for opposing the system remains significant (Muggleton and Weinzierl 2004, p.86). When efforts are made for evaluating the power of subculture within a particular society the following fact should be taken into consideration: subculture, as described by Hebdige, needs to ‘represent noise, disturbance and blockage of the system of representation’ (Muggleton and Weinzierl 2004, p.86). If the above requirement is not met, then the social

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Internet Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Internet Literacy - Essay Example This may be a challenging task especially to those who are not so open-minded about technology and changes however it becomes a liberating experience also to those who come to a learning experience that fulfill one’s dreams. A friend has always been afraid to try the internet nevertheless needed to learn how to use it due to the demands from his work. Being in his forties, his fear was usually fed with the words like ‘you cannot teach an old dog new tricks’ and was challenged considering he is not a dog, he learned and discovered the internet. The process was not easy for both the learner and teacher but it was a fulfilling job they both went through. The student struggled on remembering things about the computer and how to work on it while the teacher made every effort to make instructions simple and clear. Frustrations may have occurred as the learning went but they were turned to joy for every discovery the learner made. Reading vast information from the intern et changed my friend’s perception not only on technology but almost about a lot of things. He says he had come to a deeper understanding of many things as he used the internet as a means for educating himself, reading not only the words but the lives of other people. Writing may not be the job he is paid to do yet he considers he uses a lot from his internet literacy to enhance his information literacy to write the remaining chapters of his life. In considering the elements that this individual and other individuals have learned from their experience with internet literacy, it’s clear there are a great many elements. One of the major elements is the influence that understanding social media has on individual’s lives. While it is not difficult to join a social network, such as Facebook, there is a slight process in learning how to implement it for the greatest gains. As I became more involved with Facebook I recognized that it offered me the opportunity to remain in contact with old friends and people that I otherwise would have lost touch with. This has the effect of enriching my life and giving me a greater perspective on the world. In other contexts, social media has allowed me to join communities of people with similar or specific interests. For instance, individuals interested in literature, cooking, or sports are able to join communities where they are able to discuss their interests. Such aspects of internet literacy are not merely significant in that they allow individuals new forms of communication, but indeed, they also change the very nature of social relations. In understanding social media, rather than having to venture for hours to visit conventions or lectures, one now has direct access to experts in many fields through Twitter. In learning how to implement these elements of internet literacy one can truly make profound life changes. Another highly important element relating to internet literacy are the benefits it holds for education. I recognize that learning how to use the internet is a form of education itself. Still, within this journey one also recognizes that the internet holds the key to a world of skills and opportunities. One of the first instances I remember is spending time in Wikipedia researching history and a variety of topics, the breadth of information and insight I gained from this experience was truly paradigm shattering. As I became more experienced with internet literacy I recognized that in addition to Wikipedia one could read full-texts of books and find more substantial internet sources. In addition to improving my knowledge, it gave me a greater appreciation for the nature of academic research. As I further expanded my understanding of internet liter

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Importance Of Entrepreneurship And Innovation

The Importance Of Entrepreneurship And Innovation It is known to all that entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as an important driver of economic growth, productivity, innovation and employment, and it is widely accepted as a key aspect of economic dynamism: the birth and death of firm and their growth and downsizing. As firms enter and exit the market, theory suggests that the new arrivals will be more efficient than those they displace. Existing firms that are not driven out are forced to innovate and become more productive in order to compete. Many studies have given empirical support to this process of creative destruction according to Joseph Schumpeter. There is no doubt that innovation were, are will be extremely important for the individual and society. Today, people increasingly realize that innovations are even more critical that in the past. Thus, industrial competition is increasingly cruel and companies must continuously bring innovative products and services to the global market. To survive, companies need creative and inventive employees whose novel ideas are, to a certain extent, a necessity for the companies continued existence and future success. Consequently, modern society indeed requires highly able citizens who can produce innovative solutions to current challenges and contribute new ideas that aid in the development and growth of the market for a particular product or service. Contemporary society, without doubt, is highly reliant on innovations. The future will be synonymous with innovation. Despite the quite evident importance of innovations in the life of any organism, one should acknowledge that the phenomenon o f innovation is far from well understood. Terms and definitions Innovation is the specific function of entrepreneurship, whether in an existing business, a public service institution, or a new venture started by alone individual in the family kitchen. It is the means by which the entrepreneur either creates new wealth-producing resources or endows existing resources with enhanced potential for creating wealth. (Drucker, 1985) Creativity and innovation are not synonymous, but Innovation= Invention+ Creativity+ Exploitation (Rosenfeld and Serso, 1990). Innovation is one of ways to explore change as an opportunity for a business or service. Innovation can be taught and learned (Drucker, 1985). On the average about sixty percent of all jobs in the U.S. are generated by firms with twenty or fewer employees. Large firms with over five hundred employees generate less than fifteen percent of all the jobs (Birch, 1979). Students can also work for large companies as leaders within then large company, but must see small business as a viable option. According to Timmons (1989) defined that Entrepreneurship is a human, creative act that builds something of value from practically nothing. It is the pursuit of opportunity regardless of the resources, or lack of resources, at hand. It requires a vision and the passion and commitment to lead others in the pursuit of that vision. It also requires a willingness to take calculated risks 2.0 Identification of Opportunities and Generating Ideas The first challenge may occur to the business start-ups is to find the real opportunities from the changing business environment. According to Lowe and Marriot (2006), the starting point of business start-up is to identify the where a gap in the market might exist to where changes in the market might act as a catalyst for developing a new solution that customer will need. Muzyka (2000) explains that opportunities come in many ways, shapes and forms and entrepreneurs, while not needing to have the idea themselves but must structure a business around the idea. Lowe and Marriot (2006) emphasized that many opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship come from applying technology or bringing new ideas into the functional areas of a business to create change within and established market. According to Ansoff and Mcdonnell (1990), when facing the unexpected events, the organization who can responds to the opportunity and threat more innovative than its competitor, the organization is more likely to succeed, apart from Ansoff and McDonnell s point of view, Drucker (1985) also suggested that, the unexpected event that triggers off a new demand. For example, demands for construction following the earthquake and tsunami. Individuals think creatively and build knowledge from their own experience and expertise that will lead to potentially commercializable opportunities, however, Lowe and Marriot (2006) argued that an organization can work against the creative capability. There are several methods that can be used to generate business ideas. Firstly, entrepreneur can use someone else s ideas to start their own business, often some else s idea is interesting but not commercially exploitable; however, the idea can be modified and developed into a real market opportunity. Secondly, entrepreneur can use his or her own knowledge to make observations about the market gaps and opportunities. The knowledge can be from work, hobbies or just simply reflecting on normal life experiences, all of these knowledge can transform into the new business ideas. Thirdly, according to Lowe and Marriot (2006), the market is crowded with services and products, so it is important to identify the market gap and generate new pro duct or service to meet their own specific needs. Fourthly, Baron and Shane (2005)discuss the importance of intelligence in creativity and suggest that entrepreneurs need to balance three components to achieve successful intelligence: (1) creative intelligence to come up with new ideas, (2) practical intelligence to identify ways to develop these ideas and (3) analytical intelligence to evaluate the ideas and determine whether they are worth pursuing. 3.0 Business Plan 3.1 The importance of business planning for start-ups Cater and Dylan (2006) suggested that Planning is generally perceived as a curial element in the survival of new and small business. The business plan is just a plan and like any other plan, the only way to see if it really works is to monitor its progress at regular intervals, (Butler, 2006) so that the entrepreneur will be able to respond to any potential problems which may occur in the future and if necessary, the entrepreneur will also be able to change the business strategy straight away. There are three main reasons why entrepreneur need to produce a business plan: First, the business planning process acts as a very efficient method of focusing the ideas of potential entrepreneurs in terms of defining their objectives and assessing their own abilities to organize and run the business (Butler, 2006). The business plan can also help to test the feasibility of the business proposal before the actual implementation or commit to any substantial expenditure or investment. Typically, the business plan would be prepared before the start-up or acquisition of the business. Second, there are only few entrepreneurs who have their own resources to fund their business, most are faced the challenge to raise external finance, it may not occur at the start-up stage but probably when they wish to expand their established business. For these persons, possession of a good business plan is crucial to their future. A clear description of how the entrepreneur will exploit the business opportunity allows investors to decide whether the project is a worthwhile investment and assess the risk attached to it. (Frank, Plaschka and Roessl, 1989, p.191) Third, the processes of the business planning produce the parameters and specific targets (Butler, 2006) which provide a yardstick, which can measure the progress and profitability of the business. Again, this planning activity is a prerequisite to starting or acquiring a business but, apart from that, it is also part of the ongoing process of running a business and should be continued as an ongoing process, long after the initial start-up. 3.2The layout of the business plan The importance of the business plan has been discussed in the previous section, this section will suggest a basic structure for the business plan: The Business Idea is the preliminary section to demonstrate the basic background information about the proposal, and it also helps to stimulate the reader s interest for a further reading. The section of The Proprietors of the Business will describe the proprietors key skills and abilities which would help to make the business successful. According to Butler (2006, p.17), the business plan must act as a sales document to convince the lender of the viability of the proposal, so this section is the key to that process and must therefore be concise, positive and upbeat (Butler, 2006, p.28). The Resources Required section will identify the capital investment requirements of the business (Premises, transport, plant and equipment) and other resources required (personnel, raw materials, consumables, etc.) and also show the reasons why they needed. (Butler, 2006, p.35) The section of Financial Plan will identify the budgetary plan and also will forecast the cash flow and the profit. In the Marketing section, it will analyse the marketing sector which the business plan to operate, and also will demonstrate what kinds of marketing policy will be used. The Implementation of the Proposals section will show the way in which the business will operate, the timetable for the Implementation of the proposal and discuss any possible contingencies. The last section will be Summary, it will summarise the belief in the potential Profitability and viability of your business proposal and the potential of success.